Find Out If Someone Is On Dating Sites Free
How to find someone on dating sites using 11 different ways + 6 reasons why husband cheat + how to act further?
- Find People On Dating Sites
- Find Some Dating Sites
- How To See If Someone Is On Dating Sites For Free
- Find Out If Someone Is On Dating Sites Free
- Find Out If Someone Is On Dating Sites Free Without
Find People On Dating Sites
It’s extremely easy to find someone on the Internet, especially nowadays.
When I first started Dating, it was fun to feel desired, to be the subject of someone's desire. I remember the first time I went on it, going to a bar and meeting a few couples; I remember the excitement that I felt as the man was waiting for his date to meet me at a busy train station at 6pm and be worried that she hadn't got on or wouldn't be.
There have been developed plenty of various websites and social networks both general and specific.
They provide people with plenty of possibilities for communication with interesting people.
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- With a simple email search, Profile Searcher will improve the odds by searching over 100 major paid and free dating sites for profiles of anyone you are interested in or already in a relationship with Over 10,000 secret dating profiles found Even if their phone is locked - Find their hidden profile.
- A free reverse email lookup is a way for you to find out if someone is actually on an online dating site. All you have to do is to enter the email of that person and you will get the information that you need. The information may include social details, dating sites data, personal data, and other social media details.
There is a chance to find like-minded people in a certain sphere of activity.
That’s why it’s not very difficult to find someone on dating sites.
Read our article on how to find someone on dating sites.
What the dating sites are?
A dating site is a service which provides its users with a possibility to find a partner for relationships on their own.
A modern dating site is a service which allows finding a partner taking into account the match by the sociological and external features and general interests.
All dating sites have a unique inner system of search: you send the required data (age, place of living, interests, etc.) and you are going to discover someone with the similar hobbies and goals fast.
This search made the dating websites extremely popular.
How to find out if someone is on dating sites?
6 reasons why married men sign up for such websites:
Men who spent much time on the dating sites find it difficult to stop visiting them in the first years of the family life.
Many men are simply curious to look at other women who are registered on the websites and what they write in their profiles.
Some time later a man is involved in a family life more and more, his hobbies change and such websites are not interesting anymore.
The desire to vary his life with the new impressions.
Signing up for a dating site a man might be looking for the possibilities to get rid of the marriage routine and get the new experience.
In other words, he is there because he is bored and is eager to experience some excitement.
He does not have any intention to act.
The desire to have more personal space.
The thing is that not all our needs can be satisfied in marriage.
A bright example may be the need to communicate with friends or someone’s self-realization.
As a rule, in those relationships where a wife does not allow her husband communicating with his friends or doing his favorite hobby, he starts looking for other methods how to find some contacts on the Internet and have some freedom.
That’s why you must not limit the social contacts of your man but let him have his friends who do not cross paths with your circle of communication.
The wish to satisfy the emotional and sexual needs.
There are men whose leading need is to contact different people.
The thing is that during sexual interactions, embraces, and positive interactions the brain produces the oxytocin hormone.
It maintains the monogamy within the marriage.
Husbands who lack sexual interactions, embraces, positive communication may use dating sites to learn how to satisfy their emotional and sexual needs.
The desire to decrease the level of responsibility in the family obligations.
Actually, some men are psychologically not mature enough to have family relations and obligations.
Though they got married due to certain reasons, they have the burden of responsibility and obligations to remain loyal.
In order to decrease the level of responsibility, they need some new acquaintances with women.
The ambition to increase self-esteem by the attention from women on dating sites.
Very often the main reason which makes men sign up for the dating site is the possibility to boost their self-esteem, make sure they are attractive and popular among the opposite sex.
The dating sites are the places where they can know it for sure and get the attention from women.
How to see if someone is on a dating site using 6 simple ways?
How to find someone on a dating site?
Firstly, you should sign up on one of them.
For this, you’ll need to create login and password.
As soon as you are authorized, you should fill in the personal data (your profile).
It’s also advised to browse your personal photo which will ease the search for your future acquaintances.
If you need to find someone specific on the website (your former classmate, friend, etc.), perhaps you may try to search according to the criteria:
- The date of birth;
- The name and surname;
- The year of graduation from any educational establishment;
- The place of living;
- The sex;
- The place of work.
Pick the person you are looking for from the search result.
In order to do it, you can not only rely on the personal information but on the photo of his profile, too.
If the search on the definite websites does not give you the result, you can use different searching systems.
Enter the email address or the nickname of a person and the searching engine is likely to show you his messages or profiles on various networks.
Go to a dating site and in case you know his email or login, you are able to send the request to restore the password.
If there is a message that the link to change password is sent, it’s quite possible that a person is really registered on that website.
- If you have access to the user’s computer, you can simply look at the browsing history in the browser he uses the most.
Just ask and if the person does not respond, his reaction will tell you the truth.
It is sure to let you know whether your suspicion has some ground and whether he really visits such networks.
How to see if someone is on a dating site using 5 quick methods?
Take a look at the person’s mailbox.
It is sure to contain some messages from the websites where he has his own profiles.
Besides, you can use a searching bar and type in it “confirmation of registration”.
If there are such letters, you will definitely see all of them on one page.
Many networks have the rule to register people only using their real names.
Enter his name and surname in the searching bar.
If it’s not too widespread, it might be quite enough to see which resources have his data.
In order to narrow down the searching results, you can add his date of birth.
It is likely to help you find the information about the registration.Remember which nickname he usually uses.
Enter this nickname in the searching bar and see what happens.
The list of the websites can be rather big.
Enter the IP-address in the searching system and you are sure to find several websites on which this person left messages.
You can learn the IP from the provider.
How to find out what dating sites someone is on and what to do if you found your husband there?
The worst thing you can do is to:
- Pretend nothing happened.
- Start a cunning play with your husband creating the fake profile.
Actually, neither option will make you feel better.
If you are able to discuss your physical and emotional needs with your husband calmly and without offenses, there will always be hope to fix the situation.
Having analyzed the reasons mentioned in this article, you should calmly talk to your second half and discuss the problems which made him sign up on such websites.
It does not matter how you found him there.
The most important thing is that you discovered this fact and your task is to understand what is actually going on between you two.
Very often the reason for such behavior is in his character, inner contradictions and conflicts.
However, your own behavior might have encouraged these actions, too.
How to find someone on dating sites?
There are plenty of ways how to do it but you must always remember that any crisis in a marriage is a two-edged sword.
You may improve your relationships and become closer or make a step towards the future divorce.
Only you can choose which way is better for you.
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It’s not always possible and easy to find a person’s hidden social and dating profiles without wasting time with sites and tools that never work, but of course, the search tools have limitations, and anyone can find the truth in different ways. For that, we’ll be talking about the best sites and search tools to find anyone’s secret accounts on many websites that you don’t know about and they keep hidden.
1. Tools to find hidden profiles on dating sites and social media
Using the regular search techniques to know for real if a person is using dating sites and has created a profile there or not, may work for many, but if there is no result and finding these accounts will take you lots of time and search effort, there are always good alternatives.
So, I carefully tried the new sites and apps, and they work in different ways to allow you to get other contact details that people may use to signup for dating sites like a second phone number or another email address. Thus, when you find any of these unknown contact details, you’ll have more search options and even more, there is a good chance to find unknown Facebook accounts that are kept secret.
Nowadays, the Google play store has thousands of apps for lots of uses, and one of these uses is searching for someone on a given dating website and find out if he has an account or not. The best thing about these tools is that they still work even for secret accounts but don’t trust all of them as there are many scammers and use Chrome apps that never work. Here are some of the best apps you can use to find out if someone has a dating account or not.
This people finder is my best tool that finds every hidden dating account when no other option works, it has a huge database of data that combines names, emails, and other personal information for the USA.
When running a background report with these tools, users get access to details like social media profiles, hidden email addresses, secret phone numbers, and more. So, even if there is no clear dating link to see there, the search tool provides other contact detail about people you never thought about like cell numbers and other emails you don’t know about.
Thus, using these new contact details gives you more options to search and find every single dating account someone hides online.
This site gives access to public data about someone through any of these search options:
- Phone number
- Email address
- First name
- Last name
- City
- State
- And, of course, the house number and the street address.
InfoTracer is a good tool that lets you know if a person has a dating profile or not using his email adders, phone number, street address, or even username. When you sign up, you get access to a full report when there is a list of details like the per’s relatives and their online profiles like Facebook and other sites.

This extension can help you find people on Tinder, and it has good reviews, but make sure you try the app only and not the site.
Some apps on Google Play or iStore use lots of resources like smartphone RAM, and by letting it running all the time, it can slow down your phone. That’s why you need to remove it after using it for dating profile search, there is no reason for adding lots of apps you don’t need.
2. How to find someone on dating sites by email
Actually, there are many tools for reverse email lookup for dating sites and platforms, but the truth is, there is no guaranteed that these sites will find the exact dating profile that you’re looking for using just the email.
That being said, let’s say that 80% of the time, there will be good results in a clear report or just using a simple interface that can show you who that dating profile belongs to, and all the related information. So, this is how to find out if someone has a dating profile by using his email address only as a search option.
Use Google search
If there is one place on the web to find hidden profiles online, then, it will be Google, of course, however, Google itself is so big and have billions of web pages and details in the index. That’s why adjusting the search option ad add filters is the way that works better. Here is how to do that:
Use the Google Advanced Search page, it’s a page that Googlers can use to find any type of information they look for by adding multiple search terms, locations, and limiting filtering the search result pages.
As an example, when we’re looking for someone’s Tinder account, we can type his email address and then, add Tinder as the site where Google should return results for. Don’t be surprised if you really find their dating accounts, each website has its own privacy settings and configurations, and people may forget that and Mae their profile public without noticing that. Give it a try and see if that word for you.
The same thing applies to other apps, so, to do a Plenty Of Fish profile search, start with the email address and add POF or Plenty Of Fish as the domain where Google should look in and return search results.
Here are the steps to use:
- Visit the Google Advanced Search
- In the box “this exact word or phrase:” add the person’s email address
- In the site or domain: box, add the dating website (example,,,, etc…
- Add other terms if you won’t like the person’s nickname
- Finally, click the blue button and the sera will start.
Give Bing search engine a try
Personally, I like Bing for its simplicity and accurate search results, there are fewer spammers there, and honestly, the quality of the search is better. Bing lets people find dating profiles by email but wait, don’t just use the same search method as we did on Google, this time try to make the search different.
Bing can help a lot if we add the person’s email address, the dating site domain, and also the first name last name, or nickname of the person. That way you give Bing more options to find the person’s dating accounts in the index and the algorithm is smart in this case.
Even if the dating website is blocking web crawlers from accessing the user’s profile, there are many ways to find the rich, for example, we can find their hidden dating account mentioned on forums, blog posts, social media comments, etc… People can discuss things and add different types of personal details that the search engine finds indirectly.
Note about dating websites and email addresses
Even if using these options is the best way to find out if your partner has a secret dating profile, there is always a possibility that a person may use someone else email address without his permission to sign up on many websites. That can be done to make that guy looks like a cheater or things like that, and please be careful when you see that your partner has a dating account, verify twice.
Your husbands’ email address can tell you if he has a secret dating profile, and that’s true only if the search results are accurate and the details are up to date. In Google or Bing, there are sometimes mentions of the date when that page or post was published or update last time.
Find Some Dating Sites
For that, make sure you compare things and assume from the first step that your husband or boyfriend is hiding a dating account just because you found his email address there, as I said earlier, that email can be used by another person who knows that you may try searching using that contact detail.
3. Search dating sites by phone number
Almost all the popular dating apps and sites ask users to add their cell phone numbers when they signup. So, there is always a high chance that the user of that dating platform has already added a number and he uses it to log in.
So, when someone wants to find dating profiles by phone number, he just needs to use online tools that scan the web for information and link all the detail altogether. There are many reverse phone number lookup tools for dating sites, and there are many details anyone can find there. In fact, these tools, search all the dating sites at once, and then, they classify the personal information by category and location.
Some of these tools are:
Because of many technical challenges and privacy issues, doing a dating profile search by phone number is not always accurate with any online tool, nevertheless, by using the right service, you’ll find more than secret dating profiles and names. Some of these details include the date of birth, properties, social media accounts, email address, and even more.
Keep in mind that we’re not searching the dating site directly, instead, when we use these tools, we scan huge databases for cell phone numbers linked to any profile online. That also lets you find someone’s hidden social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, and more sites.
4. Create your own dating account and search
If none of the above ways work to find hidden dating accounts online, then, why not creating your own profile and use it for search?
This time, you’re going to search the dating site directly and not using a third-party tool. The advantages of this method are many, but that’s not always possible because each site has a different search tool.
Find someone on POF through his username
The Plenty Of Fish username search feature works well and I tried it many times, what you can do is follow these easy steps:
- First, Create your POF account
- Then, click on the search options, there is a magnifier icon
- Next, choose username search
- Now, add the person’s username and you’ll get his full name
Here is the POF username search on mobile.
- To search someone’s POF username, click that magnifier icon
How to find someone on Tinder
Tinder is one of the biggest dating sites and they have an app for that, but to find someone on Tinder, you should be matched first, so, start by creating an account, and next, search for people in your local area or the city that the pens you want to find lives in. That way, you already limited the search, and you get higher chances to swipe and find that preen on Tinder.
These are the Tinder people search option:
- Using the current location
- By maximum distance
- Gender
- Age range
How To See If Someone Is On Dating Sites For Free
In this step, it’s recommended to create a Fake name and username, or he’ll recognize you and prefer not to match with you.
When you’re both matched, the Tinder username search will be easy and there will be the full name and profile of the person.
- Tinder hidden dating accounts search
Can you really find someone on OkCupid through his username?
OkCupid is one of the popular dating sites where people find each other and build relationships, but their new site design removed the old search feature using the username. However, it’s still an option to find someone’s dating profile on OkCupid in other ways.
By the way, adding the username to the end of the OKC URL won’t work anymore, you’ll get a message saying:
Sorry, this profile is either private or doesn’t exist?

In general, that message means one of the following:
- The profile is actually disabled
- He or she doesn’t want to date again (so, it’s a profile for fun)
- The account is private and protected from being seen publicly
In all the cases, there is no working method for finding a profile on OKC by username, but, there is all the type of filter we can use to find someone there. OkCupid is known for its powerful profile search filter, so, make sure you search using the ZIP code, location, or other options to find the exact person after creating your account of course.
- OkCupid has a powerful profile search filter
Finding hidden dating profiles on Zoosk
Unlike Match, POF, and other sites, the Zoosk profile search is not advanced and detailed. So, it’s not the best place to find someone even there is no option for username search or names, however, you can browse profiles after adding a filter and make sure you select the right profile gender you’re looking for when you signup. That’s what can help you to find the others’ hidden dating accounts and see their real name later.
We should mention here that Zoosk and other sites hide dating accounts by default for privacy concerns and to protect their users from online threats. However, many users won’t even notice that.
For the other dating apps and sites like eHarmony, the search is not always the same, there are many complicated signup processes and even annoying search tools. So, it’s better to use Google instead to find the public profile or use the advanced search app below in this guide to search all the dating sites in e place and find the other hidden emails and phone numbers people may have.
Next, use what you find as new emails and numbers and use them for another search, this time, chances will be higher because using a secret email address that a person owns will uncover all his hidden profiles fast.
5. Try the forgotten password feature
Please use this option with caution, it can work but only in telling you if someone has a dating account on that site or not. So, you can’t tell if that dating profile is actual or an old one that he or she may forget about and never deleted.
Now, every website has a feature that allows users to reset their password using their email address or phone number. That’s why it’s easy to know for real if there is a dating account linked to that email or phone tube for not by using this option. So, try it but don’t assume it’s up to date and he’s actually dating online. Do further investigation and find the truth.
Many dating websites do not offer the link to reset your password directly from the first login, so, the system shows you the option only when you enter the wrong sign in detail. For that, try any email address and any passwords just to get the option, then, add the email address you want, and find if it’s related to an existing dating profile or not.
- This is a Forgotten Password example on a dating site

6. Get their hidden Facebook dating profiles
Facebook is not only a social network, okay, there are millions of people who used it for dating and romantic purposes, but not, it’s officially a dating website.
Millions of people are using Facebook dating now in the USA and so, there is a chance that your spouse or boyfriend has a profile there if he’s cheating. That’s not always the case, but, it’s worth learning more about the features of the new Facebook dating system combined with Instagram that you can use to find your partner’s secret profile.
When you search for someone’s dating profile on Facebook, there will be the left sidebar with search filter options, adjust that per your need and limit the search to a specific location. Also, it’s a good idea to modify the search options, so, you can find hidden dating accounts by creating your own profile and there are many other options for that.
7. Uncover secret dating profiles through photos
Find Out If Someone Is On Dating Sites Free
If someone thinks about creating a good dating profile, then, he or she’ll use good quality photos, that can help others to know who that person is through his physical look only. On the other side, if the profile is crawled and the public for search engines like Google, then, there will be another secret search option to find people on any dating platform using his photo, here is how it works:
Find Out If Someone Is On Dating Sites Free Without
Websites like Google Image Search, TinEye, and others use a sophisticated system that recognizes photos and finds duplication online. That means, if we try to upload a photo, we’ll get all the sites where that exact photo is published which means a lot if it’s a dating account.
- Find their dating profiles through photos
For Google, here is how to find secret profiles with just a picture:
- Open on your web browser, it works the same on Android, iPhone, and smartphones
- Click on the Camera icon on the right side of the search box
- There will be two options: Add a photo URL or upload your image
- Wait for Google to upload your photo and search
- Browse the results where that image was posted on
To find accurate results, I recommend choosing the person’s photos that might be perfect for dating profiles, think about that for a second. If your partner has an attractive picture, then, he’ll use it online to attract females. Save some photos and search for each one using the above techniques.
Google Lens is more advanced and it’s another algorithm that recognizes photos, and the network that was used to upload them, etc… In fact, machine learning helped Google in building such a powerful tool that anyone can use to take a photo and see where it’s published in seconds.
Bottom line
Getting someone’s hidden dating profile is not that easy as it was years ago, technology is making new changes and things that worked today may not be helpful tomorrow. So, use these search solutions and keep testing, if you got a new idea or another search hack that’s not mentioned above, why not add it in your comment? That will help others.