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Free Adventist Dating Sites 2020
How does a Seventh-Day Adventist choose a person to date? Just remember—if the dating progresses, this may be the person you’ll be spending the rest of your life with. It’s important that the two of you have a clear understanding about your beliefs if you are to be happy together and if your marriage is to last and your family to do well.
First of all, attending Church together is important. Sabbath school classes will give you an opportunity to learn together. However, even more importantly, it will open up opportunities for discussion either within the class setting or when you’re alone together. Take the responsibility for seeing that this happens and you will avoid a lot of misunderstandings that will arise as time goes on.
Adventist Singles Dating Site
Remember that Seventh-Day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. The General Conference will provide the Church’s interpretation of troublesome portions of the scripture, and your pastor will pass those on to his congregation. However, the person you’re dating should understand that your life is based on those scriptures. If the timing is right, you might include a regular time for reading the Bible together. You can ask your pastor to recommend a course of study just for the two of you.
Seventh Day Adventist Dating Sites
Has the person you’re dating been baptized? Seventh-Day Adventists believe that it is an essential introduction to membership in the Church. Have you been baptized? The two of you should discuss this important aspect of your lives together. It will give you a valuable opportunity to discuss what it means to be received by the Holy Spirit and to make your lives together harmonious as you live them out within the Church and in harmony with Biblical teaching.
What about the Lord’s Supper? Do you partake whenever it is offered by your Church, and have you invited the person you’re dating to join you? Seventh-Day Adventists believe that when they offer it, all believing Christians are welcome to participate, so if your date is not a Seventh-Day Adventist but a member of another denomination, he will be welcome. Communion is an important time for self-examination and a renewed commitment to the Church.
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If you are dating a person who is not a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, you should consider carefully how that difference between you will impact your relationship. Take a piece of paper and set down what is essential and not open for discussion and ask yourself whether your date’s beliefs are compatible with yours or whether the time will come when the difference between you will drive you asunder. You do not want to get very far into a relationship that is not going to work out over the long run. Don’t ever forget—your beliefs and convictions do make a difference.