Men's Profile Dating Site Examples

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Pictured are some dating profile examples for men that show the perfect amount of detail. Use Spell Check and Proper Grammar. If you can’t spell the word “beautiful” or “psychology” in your profile without messing it up, potential OkCupid dates really don’t need to know that. The styles are listed from most to least successful. For example, smiling in a basic setting received the most responses while taking a selfie proved to be the worst option. Of course everyone will experience different outcomes but this should give men a good idea of what their main online dating profile picture should be.

How To Write A Men's Dating Profile

Truthbomb #1: They say that one out of six couples now start out by meeting online

Truthbomb #2: Many women get so frustrated with online dating that they often find themselves just wanting to quit altogether!

Are you one of those women in Truthbomb #2? Would you like to be counted among those for whom Truthbomb #1 rings, well, true? Then you’re probably in search of the perfect online dating profile examples to attract men!

Online dating can be exciting, and fun, and thrilling… But it can also be frustrating, especially if you just seem to not be getting the attention of anyone — or you just seem to attract the wrong kind of guys! This is a dilemma that countless women have found themselves in.

Ladies, it’s all about the profile. It’s all about the profile you create for yourself. The right profile can paint a picture of a woman that men will be drawn to and want to get to know. Are you ready to start attracting men that you will actually be attracted to? Then it’s all about the right online dating profile examples to attract men. Learning about these will help you reel the right man in — and turn your online dating profile into the profile of a woman that the right men can’t get enough of!


Three Lessons To Becoming Your Best Online Dating Self:



If you peruse a dating site and read through a hundred profiles, chances are that about 99 of those will be totally indistinguishable from the rest. In other words, profiles that are forgettable and not precisely the type that will catch someone’s eye and hold their interest. Having that kind of profile is exactly what you need to steer clear of if you wish to stand out and attract men who are potential partners for you.

Example A —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“My name is Meg, I am working as a Marketing Associate, and I love my job.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

“Hi, I’m Meg! For ‘work,’ I go through hoops to chase down leads as a Marketing Associate. Not only is it super exciting and challenging, but I get to meet and interact with a ton of amazing people each day. Living the dream!”

Why the change?

If your goal is to attract someone who is in demand, a high profile, quality man, then you cannot afford to just blend into the crowd and get lost in the competition. There wasn’t anything terrible about the first statement — it just wasn’t great. It was fine. That’s it. Not particularly attention-grabbing, and probably one that would just make a man zone out while reading it.

What you can do to turn that around is to focus on your job to highlight your passions and your personality traits. So in the second statement, while describing her job, Meg is able to showcase a few of her standout traits and characteristics. She’s up for a challenge, loves excitement, enjoys connecting with different people. Those are qualities that are attractive and will draw people in.

When writing a profile for online dating, each word, each statement, should have a purpose. If it doesn’t seem to, then maybe it should be removed or revised!

Example B —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“I work in sales for a sizable company, and I enjoy what I do.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

Dating Profile Examples

“In my every day, I’m part of an awesome sales team in a prominent company. I get to talk to different people, assist others, and embrace challenges head-on — and I have a whole lotta fun while I’m at it!”

Why the change?

The first statement was cliche, boring, just very standard stuff. The second statement, on the other hand is playful, fun-loving, and really allows for personality to jump off the page! This girl here is someone who adores her life and her work and has tons of passion and energy for the things she does. This is somebody who guys will definitely want to get to know more of.




Think about it: You didn’t go on an online dating platform because you want to encounter a lot of negativity, did you? You came on for fun, for positive vibes — and that’s the same way for other people! A big no-no is for you to send out negative energy in the dating profile you post. Negativity is not an attractive trait. People are drawn to positivity and light, and those with profiles that exude that will be the ones guys will want to get to know more.


Example A —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“I am not here to play games or to meet anyone who does. And if you just sit around on the couch all day long, or don’t work for a living, or are a close-minded person, don’t even bother messaging me. Not interested.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

“If you’re driven, passionate, and up for adventure, you totally have my full attention. If you love a spontaneous drive or trip and can make me burst out laughing, hey, even cooler. I’m known for topping the charts at creating unforgettable road trip moments! You bring the snacks and the puns, leave the rest to me! Sound cool? Cool.”

Why the change?

In the first statement, I think we can all agree with the person’s likes and dislikes. But the way it was all written just oozes negativity, and makes the woman behind the statement seem like a downer, and maybe even too demanding and high maintenance. Not exactly inviting. The truth is, men who are low quality will probably not even bother reading what you’re writing, or they won’t care. And high quality men, the ones you want to attract, can be turned off or scared away by the negativity of your words.

The second profile, if you look closely, still expresses basically the same desires as the first. But it’s worded much more positively and attractively, and paints an attractive, irresistible picture of the woman behind it. Her personality just shines in this statement, and shows someone who is likable and seems like a joy to be around. Positive vibes draw in positive attention. Keep that in mind!

Example B —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“If you don’t have a degree, or are a jealous bloke, or are B-R-O-K-E, do NOT message me! Not interested at all.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

“Men who are confident, full of passion, and intelligent are one hundred percent welcome so come into my world!”

Why the change?

Again, both of these statements are basically communicating the exact same thing. But the way each statement is written sends a different message. While in the first statement shows a woman who seems frustrated and with a lot of baggage, the second statement shows a woman who is just vining confidence and positivity and all that good stuff!



When writing your profile, keep this simple reminder in mind: Words are extremely powerful, and the words that you use will shape the way you are perceived and what others’ first impression of you will be. How you construct your profile will help shape how they perceive you — and if they perceive you as someone they would like to connect with! So what you should strive for is to pick the right words that will place the spotlight on your fierce and fab confidence, and leave all traces of neediness and desperation behind.

Example A —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“My deepest desire is to once and for all just quit this site. I just really want to connect with a man who is funny, has a good, steady job, and is smart. I know you are out there, and I really hope that I’ll be hearing from you.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

“My dream guy isn’t afraid to let loose and enjoy a hearty laugh, craves learning new things, and is all about setting goals and going for it, like me! Next on the list for me? To add someone awesome to put more awesomeness into my already rockin’ life!”

Why the change?

In the first statement, it can be implied that she may have had awful luck in the online dating field. So this gives the impression that she may be getting quite desperate to find a man. It may not be accurate, but its the story told by the words she chose. “Really want,” “once and for all,” “hope I’ll be hearing from you” all reek of neediness, and girl, in these platforms, perception is vital.

The second statement is much improved, and a heck of a lot more attractive. Just a few key changes transformed her from someone who is full of desperation and neediness to a woman who is happy, confident, and thriving in a fulfilling life.

Example B —

An example of an average online dater’s profile:

“I really, really just want to meet someone who can make me smile, is smart, and is a hard worker.”

An online dating profile example to attract men:

“I find myself clicking and vibing best with men who are driven, smart, and are up for a good time and a little silliness! If you can make me laugh out loud, then you are way ahead of the line!”

Why the change?

Again, it’s all about the word choice. Choosing words like “really, really just want to” makes her come off like a girl who is just desperately hoping and wishing and waiting to find a man. Having a little more fun and with words instantly transforms that picture into that of a woman who is confident, cool, and someone men would find themselves attracted to.


These small nuggets will help you to create the perfect online dating profile. With these handy tips, you’ll be able to write online dating profile examples to attract men — and come up with the best one to get those guys hooked on you!

1. Balance is everything

It’s all about getting the right balance. Up your attractiveness by striking the right balance between depth and fun playfulness. In the way you write your profile, be sure to have some light banter going on, but also show the other facets of your personality in what you choose to write.

2. Speak to your ideal man

You know how it goes: Certain choice of words can have the ability to draw one guy and yet at the same time repel someone else. So when writing your profile, it’s not about appealing to everyone in general. Use the way you write your profile to speak to your ideal man. Be yourself, and be true to what you want, and write to someone who is a potential partner, not the general population.

3. Avoid oversharing

Ladies, give them a taste, but always leave them craving for more. Don’t immediately pour your whole heart out in your profile. Mystery is alluring and will intrigue men, and they’ll find themselves wanting to reach out and know more about you. It’s all about the layers — let them peel them off slowly! Also, oversharing too much too soon can be dangerous too, especially in this day and age. Caution is sexy!

4. School the menfolk

In these times, casual hook-ups have become the norm. So it’s crucial that you are able to make it clear that you are different and that you are a real, high-quality lady who is searching for something with potential, something real, with someone who is also of high quality. But this is very vital to remember: Make sure that as you are being clear about this, you are not making those who read your profile feel like you are holding them responsible for giving you what you are looking for. Don’t be demanding or fussy, but be true to yourself in a fun, positive way.

5. Steer clear of checking the “casual” box

Men's Profile Dating Site Examples Women

As we said above, in this day and age, hook ups and casual relations are deemed “normal.” So to avoid being perceived as someone who checks the “casual hookup” box, steer clear of being too flirty or too sexual off the bat. Doing that right at the beginning will activate that sexual, hookup side of him and you may get boxed in there while he reserves “serious” for someone else. By all means, use your feminine wiles to draw him in and attract him. But do it in a more subtle, classy manner so he knows you’re hot and sexy AND should be taken seriously.

6. It’s about your likes — not your dislikes.

In keeping line with the “positive vibes” lesson, make sure to express your likes and not focus on your dislikes. Ask for what it is that you want instead of harping on and on about what it is that you definitely do not want.

7. The right visuals are key.

Men's Profile Dating Site Examples List

Men are visual creatures. This is common knowledge and universal truth. And your profile picture choice can be a make or break thing. Make sure to choose the right photo that fully captures who you are as a woman. A good choice would be a photo that can communicate your zest for life, passion, and positivity. A little sexiness would be good too, but again, remember not to be too provocative as it might send the wrong message before he even gets to know you.


Now that we’ve gone through the lessons in online dating profile examples to attract men, here’s the most important thing to remember: Be authentic.

That’s the key. That’s it. Be yourself, be true, express the woman you are and what you want in a positive and authentic manner, and you’ll be sure to inspire and attract the right kind of men. And you’ll also be lightly and kindly signaling the wrong kind of guys to move along.

Online Dating Profile Examples To Attract Men

Have fun, ladies!

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Online dating profile examples for men

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