Real Vampire Dating Sites
- Real Werewolf Dating Sites
- Talk To Real Vampires Online
- Real Vampire Sites
- Real Vampire Dating Sites Online
- Real Vampire Dating Sites Like
- Vampire Dating
- Real Vampire Dating Sites For Adults
Vampire Chat City Free Chat for Vampires. Start Chatting with Real Vamps at Vampire Chat City! » Go Online to Chat Any Time Night or Day. » Meet Vampires From All Around the World. » Send Private Messages, IMs, and More. » Have Real-Time Fun With Live Webcams. Step 1: Enter Chat Handle.
Real Werewolf Dating Sites

Real vampire dating sites - Rich man looking for older man & younger woman. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Looking for an old soul like myself. My interests include staying up late and taking naps. Join the leader in online dating services and find a date today. Join and search! Find single woman in the US with footing. Meet Vampire Singles Just Like You, in Absolute Confidence! Get ready to meet a vampire at our vampire dating site! Vampire Scene is your chance to experience your very own paranormal romance within the vampire community! If you’re a fan of vampire lore or a vampire in love who wants date – check out our features: Vampire Scene Site Features. Try something new as you indulge in ever expanding vampire fantasies. Meet a constantly increasing list of members that want to meet you and share their vampire experiences with you. Vampire Dating Site has made everything simple and easy by placing all your vampire needs in one convenient location. Creating your membership is 100% free.
[2014-09-11] I'm not doing any work on anything so long as 1.) I'm hot and/or miserable; 2.) I have trouble breathing; and/or, 3. I haven't had enough sleep or good quality sleep. Period. That's all tehre is too it. that includes web-researching any projects I'm working on.
[2014-08-21] I THINK I have fixed what was wrong with the VamPersonals not showing up (just a blank, white page and later, a generic list of dating links from Hostmonster, my webhost). For some reason, somehow, the Nameservers (NS) got changed from the ones pointing to DatingOpinions back to Hostmonster's NS. It should be a day or two before the info propagates, but they should be back soon.
[2014-08-21] I have been giving Sanguinarius an overhaul and editing/tweaking a number of pages, as well as the template/layout itself, and the organization of information on the Site Map (this page). I've deleted a number of old, out-of-date, or disused pages that were just taking up space. I got rid of the email addresses I used to offer, since the service was no longer available.
Also, I overhauled and updated Sangi's Corner (my personal page) and added a LOT of information to 'About Sangi' so now you can see what a nut I really am! >;D (I'm 'mostly harmless', though.
I also folded the Sanguinarius/Sanguinarium FAQs into my regular FAQs section and added Real Vampire Community Animal Welfare Awareness to my site. And Dreamland Gallery: Curiosity Shoppe is finally back online. I have earned my sleep, and now I'm going to go claim it. Happy surfing!
One more thing: older Announcements will be deleted as newer ones are added; they are not intended to be permanent parts of this page, and I don't want this section to become too long and it is.

[2014-07-12] If my declining web presence is noticeable these days, it is due to declining health on my part. For the past several years, I've had a chronic pain in my stomach and abdomen/intestines, protracted nausea and vomiting. I've spent so many times in excruciating pain in the Emergency Room and hospital that they won't treat me anymore for chronic pain. I've got a GI doctor --when I can get in to see him -- and I am slowly learning how to manage my condition and stay out of the hospital (since they won't treat me, anyway; at least, not for the pain).
As for building and working on at the mad pace I maintained for the first ten years (dedicated to Sarah Winchester, of course!), I don't know when I will be able to go at that pace again. You may have noticed that I've been gradually 'slimming down' Sanguinarius to a more manageable level. I got rid of the Community Calendar (the community didn't use it and I didn't have time to maintain it); the Real Vampire Directory is now once more a page of Recommended Links (it was powered by an old, outdated CGI script and was massive victim to spambots).I'm toying with the idea of removing all or most of the advertising onsite because it's not bringing in any money; existing advertisers will still have their ads displayed on my site until the time expires. I may go back to displaying community sites, as I used to a long time ago, before I got it in my head I could pay the bills with advertising.
The meat of the site will stay: I recently upgraded and re-added all the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) into the new database. The VCMB (though it's on it's own domain) will stay. #Sanguinarius IRC Channel (chat room) on will stay, though I may upgrade the web chat interface on the #Sanguinarius Homepage; it's very old and outdated. I'm still on the lookout for articles, tips, advice, pointers, personal experiences and more to grow the Vampire Guide, Tips & Advice, Good Vampires Do, Problems Vampires Have, the Parents' section and others.
I'm toying with the idea of holding a website contest to redesign; I'm using an HTML editor from 1997. The only caveat: the site must be editable and maintainable by me (front end and backend), and have space for all the information and sections (which may get merged or redesigned, so long as the info can still be accessed).
[2014-20-05] Updated the Good Vampires Do section with the Vampire Court of Austin's 'Vampires For Charity' and the next couple upcoming events which help sponsor it.
[2014-04-25] One-Stop Vampire Shop(FIXED) Anything Vampire you ever wanted but were afraid to ask for: Vampire T-Shirts, Mousepads, Posters & Prints, Mousepads, Magnets, Photo Sculpture, Mugs, Embroidered Items, -- Even Skateboards, and MUCH MORE! Come browse through our store -- it doesn't cost anything to look and the air conditioning is free. ;)
[2011-08-19] There was a 2-part, community-wide discussion held in IRC #Sanguinarius on Friday, 16 September and Friday, 23 September at 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm MT / 6pm PT. Topics included Sang, Hybrid Vampires and Psychic Vampires Feeding. For more detailed information, click here.
Site & Community Information
Visitors should read this first. A welcome and a little about what this site is about and who it is (and is not) designed for.
Statements of Purpose
Sanguinarius's official agenda, aims, goals, intents, and motives -- for all the world to view...
The Advanced Bonewitz' Cult Danger Evaluation Frame
Tool usable to evaluate groups in determining if they are cults or not.
Real Vampire Community Personal Safety & Privacy Awareness
A sobering message to the participants of the vampire community.
Real Vampire Community Animal Welfare Awareness
An affirmation of vampire community values regarding the humane treatment of animals.
Contributors' Info Page
Credit and contact info of those who have contributed articles, etc., to Sanguinarius.
Rent Banner Space
Advertise on and increase exposure for your site, store or online resource. Click through for more information and rates.
Tips & Contributions
Buy Sangi a cup of tea. If you have found helpful, please consider leaving a small (or large) tip or donation to help defray operating costs and keep alive and growing. Even if it's just a couple of bucks. Become a Premiere Supporter of and get your name listed here.
Hall of Premier Supporters-- LINKED NOW
Sanguinarius wishes to recognize and honor those who have made a financial contribution of $25 or more to help support and keep it growing and bringing information, support and resources to the vampiric community.
Sanguinarius News & Updates (deprecate or link to Y! Groups archive)
Sign up to receive information about new site features, articles, additions & updates, scheduled chats, community news, links, and other things.
Online Press Room
Provides the media and other interested parties information associated with Sanguinarius. Includes such things as background info, press releases, a printable brochure (feel free to copy and distribute this) and other downloadables.
Information & Support
Terminology & Lingo
An extensive listing of many of the terms commonly used by real vampires / the vampiric community, and their definitions...what more can I say?
Frequently Asked Questions
'Just the FAQs, ma'am...' -- Sgt. Joe Friday XIII. Read the FAQs if you haven't yet done so. Some of your questions will be answered here.
The and FAQS
This short FAQs document, originally composed by Father Sebastiaan von Houten and myself, has been folded into the main Frequently Asked Questions section. It should hopefully clear up some of the confusion people have about these two very different organizations.
Vampire Guide, Tips & Advice
For sanguinarians & other blood-drinkers, psi & energy vampires, interested non-vampires, and everyone.
Articles Archive
A copious number of articles on a variety of topics including blood-related, health, medical, psycho-emotional, psi/energy, social matters; also donors and seekers, and some other stuff like poetry, parodies, and more. I highly recommend that you spend some time here reading these.
Audio Archive
Sanguinarius's archive of real vampire, therian and otherkin audio files, podcasts and interviews. Files will generally be in mp3 format, unless otherwise specified.
Parents' Section's section for Parents is under development but will contain articles, advice and resources for both parents of vampires and parents who are vampires. Sanguinarius is seeking ideas, feedback, input, suggestions, tips, advice or anything else for this section.
Teen Vampires
Advice on the problems and issues teen vamps face: school, parents, coping with awakening, how to enter the vampiric community without looking like a fool, and more.
Good Vampires Do
Showcasing the good that vampires do. Whether helping the elderly, supporting a good cause, catching the 'bad guys', or saving a life, we'll show we do it! New section -- under development. Sanguinarius is seeking personal anecdotes/accounts for this section.
Problems Vampires Have
A variety of problems and situations that real vampires face in everyday (everynight?) life.
Fun Vampires Have
In a lighter we have fun? Yeah, we have more fun than blondes! Here's some of the fun we have, some of the silly situations we sometimes find ourselves in.
Responses from the Vampire Poll
View the archived responses from 'What Do YOU Think Vampires Are Like?', a mini-questionnaire from the days Sanguinarius: The Vampire Support Page was hosted on AOL. When the site moved, it was no longer able to run off AOL's guestbook script.
Recommended Media
Reading, movies and documentaries that won't nauseate you. Yeh. I could list my entire collection, but that's not what this page is here for. Real vampire, nonfiction, and realistic fiction titles.
Recommended Links
A listing of recommended links and sites pertaining to real vampires and the vampire community, donors, otherkin and therianthropes, the Vampyre lifestyle, and community members' shopping sites and businesses.
Doing a bit of research to find out what self-identified vampires are best decribed as. Short, one-question poll, only takes a moment to answer. Please log your response today.
The Vampiric Community Message Board
Fondly known as 'The VCMB', here is Sanguinarius's official message and support board for blood drinkers, psi-vamps, donors, lifestyle, support, chit-chat, etc. No annoying popup windows.
#Sanguinarius IRC Chat
Join #Sanguinarius on IRC. Chats for and with vampires and blood-drinkers, psychic vampires, and the discussion of f/actual vampires & vampirism; these rooms are not for RPG-related, unless it is relevant to the topic of conversation! Check the Message Board for notices of un-scheduled chat sessions & times.
Vampire-Discussion Yahoo Group
This group is for the general discussion of, for, and by vampires and vampiric people, and relevant topics: real vampires and vampirism, blood, blood-drinking, psychic / energy vampires, the Vampyre lifestyle, the vampiric community & issues, vampires in the media and pop-culture, etc.; discouraged are role-playing & rpg-discussions (unless it's relevant to the topic of conversation) -- there are other groups which are far more appropriate for that sort of thing.
The VamPersonals
The VamPersonals are back. You can browse through the listings, or submit a listing yourself. Gothic and vampire dating and community. Free signup & profiles. Huge database.
Tucson Area Vampire and Otherkin Community (TAVOC)
Anyone within driving distance of Tucson, AZ (USA) area group for real vampires, therians, otherkin, donors and those interested in learning more about us. This is a group which comes together both online and offline for companionship, networking, learning and fun. If you are in the area (or even as far off as California, but are occasionally in the area), you're welcome to join us! Check out our Yahoo Group, too.

Sanguinarius Communiity Center
A virtual community center in a virtual world. This might very well be what would be like if it physically existed as an actual place. It houses a library with articles in the bookshelves, a conversation area, some fun games, a spooky graveyard outside (complete with crypt and fog) and much more. We even have a virtual cat, Fuzzbutt! We host regular chats on Friday evenings. Join our group in-world for announcements.
Vampires AMOK-- up for adoption
iThis group is for real vampires, blood drinkers, sanguinarians, psi vampires and those into the Vampyre lifestyle, who live in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Vampires-AMOK is up for adoption by a dedicated individual living in the four-state area.
Vampire Merch and More
Dreamland Gallery: Curiosity Shoppe-- It's BA-A-ACK!
Find vampire and related books of interest to the community, unique Sanguinarius t-shirts, fine silver and fashion jewelry, decor, custom mousepads, and more -- stuff you won't find elsewhere. Stop by, look around and pick something up for yourself or a friend and help support Sanguinarius. We also have a few items for Wiccans and Pagans. And check back frequently because we are always adding something new.
One-Stop Vampire Shop
Anything Vampire you ever wanted but were afraid to ask for: Vampire T-Shirts, Mousepads, Posters & Prints, Mousepads, Magnets, Photo Sculture, Mugs, Embroidered Items, -- Even Skateboards and MUCH MORE! Come browse through our store -- it doesn't cost anything to look and the air conditioning is free.
Dictionary of Vampspeak-- HOT!
An excellent guide and intro to much of the common jargon, slang, doublespeak, plays on words, and more traditionally used by real vampires; contains over 60 new terms not included in the first edition (available on Find out more here + graphics.
Bats & Shadows Store @ Zazzle
Specializing in spooky and vampire t-shirts, bumper stickers, and mousepads! Exclusive Sanguinarius Merch & unique gothic/spooky designs and sayings with attitude on t-shirts, mousepads, bumper stickers, buttons/pins, magnets and more. Go check these out! -- Help support and be the envy of every vampire on your block. ;)=
Sanguinarius's aStore
Shop for all kinds of vampire books, gothic/vampiric apparel and accessories, jewelry, vampire movies and shows (including VHS), watch vampire Video on Demand (MOVIES and TV), gothic music and computer games at Sanguinarius's Amazon Store. Lots of good stuff!
Hosted Sites
The index of sites which are hosted on Currently, we do not publicly offer to host sites, and these are hosted by special arrangement with
Vote for Sanguinarius
A few Top Sites Lists Sanguinarius signed up for. Click through once per day and help Sanguinarius get a little extra exposure, then browse some of the other tops sites in the list to discover other interesting vampire, wiccan/pagan and occult sites.
Link to Sanguinarius
Here you can find the various URLs and lots of different graphics you can use to link to Sanguinarius and the various sites associated with us.
Vampiric Community Graphics
A selection of free-to-use graphics for those who are interested in building, supporting and advancing the vampire community.
Awards Gallery
See all the fantabulous awards has recieved. Woohoo!
Sangi's Corner
About Sangi
Find out about Sangi and some of her interests. Ho-hum. Now you can find out what a nut I really am. *grin*
Sanguinarius's Little Corner of Babble
Sangi's online blog with miscellaneous entries ranging from weird dreams, to community political commentary, community announcements and new material published on my site. You can read current or past entries and comment on them if you wish.
Talk To Real Vampires Online
Sanguinarius on FaceBook
Yes, she knows FaceBook is eeevvviiilll, and she swore she'd never sign up for it, but look what happened, eh? It's an irresistable force, that's what it is...
Real Vampire Sites
Sangi's Cats
This page is devoted to Sangi's special kitties, past and present.
Creativity, Writings, & Musings
Writings. poems, humor, and other creativity by Sangi.
Basic HTML Codes for Posting
Some basic html codes you can use to format your text, show an image, and make text and graphical links; ideal quick-reference for posting on message boards. Also has some other cool and useful links.
Good Causes
The good causes that Sangi supports.
Real Vampire Dating Sites Online
Sangi's Wish List
Be sure to stop by Sangi's Amazon Wish List and get her something! ;) (Awww, you don't have to, but she'd sure appreciate it!)
Go to Sangi's Corner and have a look around. Be sure to check out my Hurricane Sangi experiment. ;D
Vampire dating site isn’t real, even if you wish it were
November 13, 2009 at 7:00 am Posted in Online Dating Leave a commentTags:, dead and lonely, online fakery, vampire love
Not a real dating site, is a promo for vampire-based impossible love drama Dead and Lonely on IFC.
First it was fake online dating profiles, now it’s fake online dating sites. As much as vampires are all the rage among angst-riddled tees, the dating site is not actually real. Sorry, emo kids!
Real Vampire Dating Sites Like
It’s a gimmick promoting yet another…wait for it…Vampire Based Drama Series “Dead and Lonely” on IFC. As far as fake dating sites go, it’s not bad., the fictional site that “Dead and Lonely” characters use to meet their prey, is complete with video testimonials and multiple entry points, and yes, I clicked to browse the members profiles.
Vampire Dating
For the record, I do not have a vampire fetish, but I actually registered on the site to see what happened so you don’t have to. Unfortunately, nothing happens. No faux vampire matches. No fang fetish. I was just redirected to the “Dead and Lonely” website which I stayed on for about two seconds because I haven’t yet jumped on the undead bandwagon (but if it were a reality TV show on vampire fetish, I would have Tivo-ed it in a heartbeat).
Real Vampire Dating Sites For Adults
And for those of you who are disappointed that the site isn’t real, free business idea! Let me know when goes live.